Shorebirds are definitely not my specialty, but having lived on a small island for three years, I've got to know my fair share of them, and that's something I'm grateful for, because I'm back in landlocked Alberta now, so my bird selection will be different. It's not that we don't have shorebirds here, but I usually don't end up being somewhere where I can see them, so I'm just less exposed to them, even though we do have them on our lake and pond shores. The common ringed plover was a tiny little bird I saw in Lerwick, though we do have them in Canada, too. (In fact, many of the sea birds I've posted about are seen on Canada's coastal areas, especially on the Atlantic side.)

I've posted an additional photo of this bird next to a turnstone so you can see the size difference, which are both really small. I think they'd maybe be the size of a robin and sparrow, possibly. Trying to get super clear photos of them is challenging as it's usually cloudy and rainy in Lerwick, and my zoom lens only goes so far, plus they don't sit still long, so I'm lucky I was able to get any really decent photos!