The chaffinch is considered to be a common garden bird, but I've only ever seen a female one briefly in a London park. They're not the kind of bird that one will see generally flitting about London, but in Cornwall, they were all over the place. I got several poor photos of them because I couldn't ID them from where I was standing; they had been silhouetted against bright skies, either in mid-afternoon or sunset. But I deleted all of them when I lucked out seeing one that was calling out from the end of a tree branch in a church yard in Penzance and allowed me to get several good photos of him. I was even able to hop up on a picnic table near the tree and got within maybe just a few metres from him, but he was unfazed. They make a bit of an annoying noise, but they're really beautiful birds, very colourful, even if the colours are a little muted.